This is the post i've totally forgotten. About ten days ago did a mail check in in inbox (as in a lot of other bloggers i'm sure) with pictures from the Wood Wood AW12 show in Berlin. I'd allready seen the lookbook and the showphotos just made me even more excited. The collection is named The Kingdom, and responds adequately to name. Take a real newschool preppy british college student and mix him up with the good old elements of hipster WW, and you'll get this collection. Such a great work! BIG UP, looking especially forward to the white shirt the flags moving into my wardrobe.
Må siger at det er en overdrevet nice blog du har dig her Buch, det skal du ha'
SvarSletHvor er du dog rar at høre på, Lux. er egentlig også rimeligt stor fan af din.